লেখক: Yug Sambad Darpan

Robotic Surgery Revolutionizes Bladder Cancer Treatment at Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah

Howrah, May 24, 2023: Narayana Superspeciality Hospital organized a bladder cancer survivor meet at the hospital. The main theme of the program was to interact with cancer survivors & their caregivers and hear firsthand from them regarding their journey so far post bladder cancer surgery via robotics. Narayana Healths COO, […]

First time in Eastern India, the largest malignant tumour removed from a uterus

In a life-saving surgery, lasting for 8 hours, a team of surgical oncologists removes the largest tumour measuring 27x27x23 cm from the uterus of a 51-year-old woman  Kolkata, 23rd May 2023: Unaware of the 8kg tumour she was carrying in her uterus, 51-year-old Ms. Debjani De weighed 60kg when she […]

Google News Initiative in partnership with DataLEADS organized the Data Dialogue workshop in Kolkata

Kolkata, 4th March 2023: The Google News Initiative, in partnership with DataLEADS, organized the Data Dialogue workshop in collaboration with Kolkata Press Club today. A large number of Journalists, students, and media educators across Kolkata attended the day long workshop.   The Data Dialogue is a pan-India data journalism training […]

কলকাতা প্রেস ক্লাবে ডাটা জার্নালিজমের প্রশিক্ষণ দিল গুগল নিউজ, ডাটা লিডস

সংবাদ সংস্থা: কোনও সংবাদ আরও বস্তুনিষ্ঠ করতে প্রয়োজন অনেক তথ্যের। কিন্তু পাঠক বা দর্শকের কাছে কীভাবে সহজে পেশ করা যায় সেইসব তথ্যের সঙ্কলন? এই নিয়ে শনিবার প্রেস ক্লাব, কলকাতায় গুগল নিউজ ইনিশিয়েটিভ এবং ডেটা লিডস আয়োজন করল “ডেটা ডায়ালগ” শীর্ষক এক শিক্ষাশিবিরের। অনুষ্ঠানের শুরুতে ডেটা লিডস এর তরফে পারুল গোস্বামী […]

BSI celebrated 134th Foundation Day

Botanical Survey of India has celebrated its 134th Foundation Day during 13-14 February, 2023 at ‘Bhasha Bhawan’, National Library Campus, Kolkata. To commemorate this important day, a two days International Symposium on Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany and Botanic Gardens was organized. Honourable Union Cabinet Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, […]

Heritage Hornbill

Sayan Hazra: One of the most anticipated festivals in India, the Hornbill Festival is an annual celebration of Nagaland’s 16 tribes and their rich cultural heritage.     The Naga heritage village, Kisama, the festival ground, is situated around 12 KM from the state capital Kohima. Kisama offers a panorama […]

Robotic Uro Oncology workshop conducted at Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Howrah

Kolkata 26th November 2022: A Robotic Uro Oncology workshop was conducted at Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Andul road, Howrah, on 26th November 2022, under the Bengal urological society. The conference was the first of its kind in the eastern India as it was for the first time that the fourth generation […]

Rivers of Life festival in Bengaluru

Info Courtesy: Ajim Premji University Image Courtesy: Sayan Hazra  ***** What is “Rivers of Life”? Rivers of Life is an initiative of Azim Premji University, the first of a series that aims to depict the splendour of our rivers through the perspectives of students and practitioners, which come together to […]